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Woudschoten Hotel & Conferentiecentrum

Max. capacity
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In nature

Woudschoten Hotel & Conference Centre in Zeist is ideally suited for one-day and multi-day meetings, as a training location, for meetings, for conferences, but also as an attractive hotel for a weekend meeting.

Woudschoten Hotel & Conference Centre in Zeist is centrally located on a wooded estate of 45 hectares. In between all this greenery we offer, in an atmospheric accommodation, a complete product with various facilities and a clear price policy.

You want to achieve your goal through a conference or weekend meeting. Woudschoten offers you a complete package of facilities to achieve that goal.

We are easily accessible in the centre of the Netherlands, have ample parking facilities, many options in rooms, plenty of space for stands, an attractively furnished social bar where you can enjoy a drink and 140 comfortable hotel rooms.

The beautifully situated Woudschoten estate also forms the perfect setting for a successful weekend meeting. Woudschoten is ideally suited for multi-day meetings.

The presence of 140 comfortable hotel rooms – in addition to our extensive breakfast buffet, the atmospheric lounge and the many drinks and dinner options – makes your multi-day meeting at Woudschoten a very well-catered meeting.

The rooms are equipped with a shower, toilet, radio/tv, telephone and have their own workspace. All rooms have free wireless internet.

We would like to invite you to experience the real Woudschoten yourself. A large part of that experience can be found in our personal guest orientation. You can fully concentrate on the purpose of your stay. We take care of the rest. That is our strength.

Room options

  • Kapelzaal

    Onderdeel van de Villa is de prachtige kapel. Ten tijde van de NCSV werd de kapel ingezet voor allerlei zaken zoals gebedsruimte, voor zingeving bijeenkomsten en het Koor.

    De Kapelzaal is in 2017 volledig gerenoveerd en gemoderniseerd tot een ideale theaterruimte met balkon. Uiteraard zonder verlies van het authentieke karakter van de zaal. De originele glas-in-lood ramen zijn behouden, waardoor de sfeer in de Kapelzaal niet verloren gaat.

    De flexibele indeling, de regieruimte, eigen garderobe en voldoende Wi-Fi vermogen maakt de Kapelzaal uitermate geschikt voor zowel zakelijke- als feestelijke bijeenkomsten. Denk hierbij aan een walking diner, netwerkdiner, receptie, diploma-uitreiking, jubilea en zelfs bruiloften.

  • Zaal 1 - Villa

  • Zaal 2 - Villa

  • Zaal 3 - Villa

  • Zaal 4 - Villa

  • Zaal 5 - Villa

  • Zaal 11 - Villa

  • Zaal 12 - Villa

  • Zaal 15 - Villa

  • Zaal 20, 21 of 23 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 22+23 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 23 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 24

  • Zaal 25 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 27 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 27 + 28 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 28 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 29 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal 30 - Woudvleugel

  • Zaal A1

  • Zaal A2

  • Zaal A3

  • Zaal A4

  • Zaal A5

  • Zaal A6

  • Zaal A7

  • Zaal 8

  • Zaal A7 en A8 (geschakeld)

  • Zaal A9 of A10

  • De Sociëteit

    Na een lange congresdag of intensieve vergadering kunt u ontspannen borrelen in onze sociëteits (tot wel 200 personen). De sfeervol ingerichte bar is, evenals de lounge, zeer geschikt voor recepties, feestjes en partijen. De bar bevindt zich onderin de Woudvleugel

  • Multifunctionele ruimte 1


    Seated dinner
    Square arrangement


    • Projector and projection screen
    • TV screen or monitor
    • Natural daylight
    • Whiteboard or flipchart
  • Multifunctionele ruimte 2


    Seated dinner
    Cabaret setup
    Theater setup
    School arrangement


    • Projector and projection screen
    • TV screen or monitor
    • Natural daylight
    • Whiteboard or flipchart
  • Multifunctionele ruimte 3


    Theater setup


    • Projector and projection screen
    • Natural daylight
    • Whiteboard or flipchart

Enquiry form for Woudschoten Hotel & Conferentiecentrum

Ask your question directly to the venue. Or request a quote directly. Please indicate desired date(s), number of people, type of meeting, facilities and any special features or requirements.

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